"The Immigrant Gang Plague"
Posted Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 7:10 pm
Heather MacDonald (author of the much-linked "The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave") has a new article entitled "The Immigrant Gang Plague". Too much to excerpt, but it's highly recommended. My most important recommendation, however, would be to somehow force community "leaders" and other apologists to read it. Or, even better, vote out of office those who support policies that lead to the situation described in her report. In fact, Santa Ana already did that. Unfortunately, Nativo Lopez still manages to get his name in the papers.
On a related note, if you haven't seen yesterday's post "Congressman: Terrorists are infiltrating the U.S. via Mexico" I encourage you to check it out. Imagining this character [warning: popup window flood alert] saying "Don't be mean-spirited!" might help you understand why this story hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. But, there's always next week...