Joy Resmovits misleads with boilerplate pro-illegal immigration propaganda (Huffington Post)

Joy Resmovits of the Huffington Post offers "DREAM Act Reintroduction Gives Undocumented Students Tempered Hope" [1], a by-the-numbers example of what we call around here a PIIPP ("pro-illegal immigration puff piece"). Media sources from coast to coast have been publishing PIIPPs for years trying to drum up support for the anti-American DREAM Act (see the link for the details). All those articles are misleading because on the rare occasion when they even hint there might be downsides of the bill, they present those downsides as minor (Resmovits doesn't even get that far; there's no discussion of any downsides in her post).

And, what's remarkable about those PIIPPs is that all follow the same general pattern. Instead of doing real reporting and telling us who plants these highly-similar articles, supposed news sources keep printing them to this day.

To help illustrate how much of a hack Joy Resmovits is, compare her article to the two PIIPPs discussed back in 2005. To help the comparison, I've added paragraphs two through five of her article to the third column; the first two columns are from the 2005 articles:

Chicago Tribune (2005) N.Y. Daily News (2005) Huffington Post (2011)
Maria Herrera has a 4.0 grade-point average at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, serves her community and lobbies for better legislation. Carlos will graduate with honors from Brooklyn College next month with a mathematics degree. It's a subject he loves and hopes to teach one day to elementary school students. Lara traveled by car from Mexico to Minnesota with his family when he was four years old, moving with them to Ohio in the first grade. He's a freshman at the University of Cincinnati now, majoring in Information Technology. Eventually, he wants to work on the country's digital infrastructure, "like a pioneer," he said, for a company like Google. He'd also settle for being a CEO.
But because she's an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, she won't be able to use her degree to start a career in the United States. But the former high school valedictorian, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, will have to settle for working off the books selling ice cream. But he's undocumented.
"I'll have a degree, but no job," she said. "It's such a waste of talent." Like Carlos - who was featured four years ago in a Daily News article about the difficulties of financing college with no immigration status - undocumented grads have no hope of a job in their learned profession. "I'm a DREAMer," he said. "I did everything right, but I've never been able to get a license or any sorts of ID. โ€ฆ There's no guarantee that I won't be arrested at any given time."
... It also drew attention to the Dream Act, federal legislation that would give undocumented students a chance to finish school and become American citizens. ...CUNY administrators are hopeful that U.S. lawmakers will resurrect the Development, Relief and Education for Minors (DREAM) Act. Introduced in 2004 by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the bill would allow undocumented students who entered this country as minors to apply for a conditional green card, provided they go to college or enter the military. The DREAM Act would allow Lara and other immigrant students -- who have lived in the U.S. since they were children for five continuous years, have a clean criminal record, have graduated from high school, and have completed two years of college or military service -- to curtail the looming fear of deportation by giving them the chance to become permanent residents.

Maybe Joy Resmovits might consider doing real reporting and telling us who planted that article.
