Glenn Reynolds has horrible advice for opposing the "ruling class"

Just a couple years ago, Glenn Reynolds ("Instapundit") was a strong supporter of the status quo. Sure, he had a few quibbles with spending here and there, but he was a big fan of the George W Bush administration. Nowadays, of course, he hunkers in his bunker preparing for the end of the world and the time for the Righteous to make their journey to Galt's Gulch. And, now as before, he dispenses horribly bad advice.

An example of the latter is wherein, based on, he offers advice on how to deal with "America’s ruling class". It's too long to quote, but if you want to read it, here's a question. Which is worse: the current "ruling class", or a "ruling class" comprised of those like Reynolds and his contributors to that post? Isn't his post basically a rewrite of Idiocracy?

The very first suggestion he offers is mockery, something he's suggested before. If we made Glenn Reynolds president, would we want him substituting mockery for policy? If President Reynolds had a dispute with a foreign country or with Congress, would it be good for the U.S. if his response was to mock them? If citizens complain about the Randroid Reynolds administration ignoring vital infrastructure, would mockery be a suitable reply?

To compound matters, he suggests "Us[ing] FOIA, ubiquitous videocameras, and other tools to make the stupidity [of the 'ruling class'] show". In other words, he wants more Macaca moments or at the most more bad questions. The types of videos he's suggesting are just entertainment; he's not suggesting intellectually engaging the "ruling class" in an attempt to show how some ideas might be superior to others. He is - just like the Democrats - instead suggesting concentrating on gaffes, hypocrisy, and so on.

Those two are then followed by other, almost-as-bad ideas from readers (or "readers").

If you're saner than Reynolds (a very low bar) and you want to challenge both the elites and loons like Reynolds, promote the question authority plan.