News Nuggets for November 28, 2009
The Griffith Park Light Festival is currently on-going in Los Angeles' Griffith Park; it's currently only open to pedestrians and presumably bikers, and in a few days they'll open it to cars too. If you're five years old, your parents shouldn't be letting you read this site. But, also, you'll think it's great. However, to sophisticated adults such as myself, it's an extremely cheesy, slightly more outdoors version of something at Disneyland, with creepy wireframes made into various characters and covered with lights. It's also in parts just an ad for the Department of Water and Power. The only good thing would be the creepy experience of walking through it at night with no one else around... Speaking about GP, I took a "desperation trail" - one taken when I don't want to drive to another one - there just now and lightly fell/slipped on some a muddy rut. Yes, it was dark and yes there was a far-off light in my eyes, but it's still embarrassing for someone who can literally stand on one leg for minutes at a time; in fact, that's how I frequently pass time in "queues", as the British people say. Why do I discuss slips like that? Because I want you to understand that I'm humble despite having a multitude of reasons why I shouldn't be... I'm compiling a list of good Southern things, and so far I've come up with the ABB and pecan and pecan products... Speaking of which, bought a pecan pie and ate a quarter of it. A couple hours later - around about the time I was thinking of eating the remaining three-quarters - I was under severe distress, feeling like dozens of badgers were trying to break out of my stomach. Originally I thought it was a case of food tampering, but I then realized I'd bought a sugar-free pie made with maltilol. Apparently - as with many others - that artificial sweetener doesn't sit well with me. Who knew?... The cute game involving the exchange rate of ZWDs will play a role in a satire involving BHO giving a "homeless man" a large bill, making him a "millionaire". I need to find some of their money, and someone willing to get photographed for that... Thank you, and join us next time...