Jeff Passan helps MLB pander, scaremonger Arizona immigration law
In a blatant attempt at pandering, Major League Baseball (MLB) has spoken out against Arizona's new immigration law. They don't have any real objection to the law since their players - while there might be some exceptions - are all here legally. So, they have to invent an issue and scaremonger, and all to avoid boycotts by Latinos who don't support our laws or who have bought the lies about Arizona's new law.
And, rather than busting them for what they're obviously doing, Jeff Passan of Yahoo Sports is helping and acting almost like a PR agent (link, and compare the opening of this to a PIIPP):
Hundreds of teenage ballplayers arrive every year in the United States trying to make a better life. They come from the Dominican Republic and Venezuela and Mexico and elsewhere, all to play the most American of games. Most grew up in poverty. Few know English. The game welcomes them anyway... Take, for example, this scenario: An 18-year-old from Venezuela playing in the rookie league jumps in a friend’s car to head to the grocery store. The friend rolls through a stop sign. A police officer witnesses the infraction. The law, signed last week by Gov. Jan Brewer, requires that “where reasonable suspicion exists ... a reasonable attempt shall be made ... to determine the immigration status of the person.” The Venezuelan player, accordingly, is asked to furnish paperwork proving his legal residence, a new burden of proof under SB 1070. If he happens to have forgotten his passport and work visa at home, his friend would get a traffic ticket and the player would get significantly more... “Under that scenario,” said Mike Philipsen, the communications advisor for the Arizona Senate Republicans, who drew up the bill, “he could be detained.”
Lots of things could happen, here or in alternative universes. However, a) most legal visitors will be careful to carry their paperwork with them, as currently required by federal law, b) due to heavy scrutiny by illegal activity supporters like the American Civil Liberties Union cops will be very careful in situations like the one described, and c) unless the cop is a yahoo and isn't trained correctly and has completely forgotten about the ACLU he'll be able to ask several questions that will almost assuredly allay suspicion. People in that situation would be able to name coaching assistants, the hotel where they're staying, the field where they're playing, the details of the field, and on and on. Those who are simply pretending to be baseball players here on a visa would not be able to provide such details.