S.744 Immigration bill - Sec. 4307: PENALTIES

    Section 214(c)(2) (8 U.S.C. 1184(c)(2)), as amended by sections 4302, 4303, 4304, and 4306, is further amended by adding at the end the following:

    `(K)(i) If the Secretary of Homeland Security finds, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, a failure by an employer to meet a condition under subparagraph (F), (G), or (L) or a misrepresentation of material fact in a petition to employ 1 or more aliens as nonimmigrants described in section 101(a)(15)(L)--

    `(I) the Secretary shall impose such administrative remedies (including civil monetary penalties in an amount not to exceed $2,000 per violation) as the Secretary determines to be appropriate;

    `(II) the Secretary may not, during a period of at least 1 year, approve a petition for that employer to employ 1 or more aliens as such nonimmigrants; and

    `(III) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (J), the employer shall be liable to the employees harmed by such violation for lost wages and benefits.

    `(ii) If the Secretary finds, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, a willful failure by an employer to meet a condition under subparagraph (F), (G), or (L) or a willful misrepresentation of material fact in a petition to employ 1 or more aliens as nonimmigrants described in section 101(a)(15)(L)--

      `(I) the Secretary shall impose such administrative remedies (including civil monetary penalties in an amount not to exceed $10,000 per violation) as the Secretary determines to be appropriate;

      `(II) the Secretary may not, during a period of at least 2 years, approve a petition filed for that employer to employ 1 or more aliens as such nonimmigrants; and

      `(III) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (J), the employer shall be liable to the employees harmed by such violation for lost wages and benefits.'.