S.744 Immigration bill - Sec. 3708: COMBATING SCHEMES TO DEFRAUD ALIENS

    (a) Regulations, Forms, and Procedures- The Secretary and the Attorney General, for matters within their respective jurisdictions arising under the immigration laws, shall promulgate appropriate regulations, forms, and procedures defining the circumstances in which--

      (1) persons submitting applications, petitions, motions, or other written materials relating to immigration benefits or relief from removal under the immigration laws will be required to identify who (other than immediate family members) assisted them in preparing or translating the immigration submissions; and

      (2) any person or persons who received compensation (other than a nominal fee for copying, mailing, or similar services) in connection with the preparation, completion, or submission of such materials will be required to sign the form as a preparer and provide identifying information.

    (b) Civil Injunctions Against Immigration Service Provider- The Attorney General may commence a civil action in the name of the United States to enjoin any immigration service provider from further engaging in any fraudulent conduct that substantially interferes with the proper administration of the immigration laws or who willfully misrepresents such provider's legal authority to provide representation before the Department of Justice or Department.

    (c) Definitions- In this section:

      (1) IMMIGRATION LAWS- The term `immigration laws' has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(17) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(17)).

      (2) IMMIGRATION SERVICE PROVIDER- The term `immigration service provider' means any individual or entity (other than an attorney or individual otherwise authorized to provide representation in immigration proceedings as provided in Federal regulation) who, for a fee or other compensation, provides any assistance or representation to aliens in relation to any filing or proceeding relating to the alien which arises, or which the provider claims to arise, under the immigration laws, executive order, or presidential proclamation.