(a) Establishment-

      (1) IN GENERAL- There is established an independent task force, which shall be known as the Department of Homeland Security Border Oversight Task Force (referred to in this section as the `DHS Task Force').

      (2) DUTIES- The DHS Task Force shall--

        (A) review and make recommendations regarding immigration and border enforcement policies, strategies, and programs that take into consideration their impact on border communities;

        (B) recommend ways in which the Border Communities Liaison Offices can strengthen relations and collaboration between communities in the border regions and the Department, the Department of Justice, and other Federal agencies that carry out such policies, strategies, and programs;

        (C) evaluate how the policies, strategies, and programs of Federal agencies operating along the international borders between the United States and Mexico and between the United States and Canada protect the due process, civil, and human rights of border residents, visitors, and migrants at and near such borders; and

        (D) evaluate and make recommendations regarding the training of border enforcement personnel described in section 1112.

      (3) MEMBERSHIP-

        (A) IN GENERAL- The DHS Task Force shall be composed of 26 members, appointed by the President, who have expertise in migration, local crime indices, civil and human rights, community relations, cross-border trade and commerce, quality of life indicators, or other pertinent experience, of whom--

          (i) 11 members shall be from the Northern border region and shall include--

            (I) 2 local government elected officials;

            (II) 2 local law enforcement official;

            (III) 2 civil rights advocates;

            (IV) 1 business representative;

            (V) 1 higher education representative;

            (VI) 1 representative of a faith community; and

            (VII) 2 representatives of U.S. Border Patrol; and

          (ii) 15 members shall be from the Southern border region and include--

            (I) 3 local government elected officials;

            (II) 3 local law enforcement officials;

            (III) 3 civil rights advocates;

            (IV) 2 business representatives;

            (V) 1 higher education representative;

            (VI) 1 representative of a faith community; and

            (VII) 2 representatives of U.S. Border Patrol.

        (B) NONGOVERNMENTAL APPOINTEES- Individuals appointed as members of the DHS Task Force may not be employed by the Federal Government.

        (C) TERM OF SERVICE- Members of the Task Force shall be appointed for the shorter of--

          (i) 3 years; or

          (ii) the life of the DHS Task Force.

        (D) CHAIR, VICE CHAIR- The members of the DHS Task Force shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair from among its members, who shall serve in such capacities for the life of the DHS Task Force or until removed by the majority vote of at least 14 members.

    (b) Operations-

      (1) HEARINGS- The DHS Task Force may, for the purpose of carrying out its duties, hold hearings, sit and act, take testimony, receive evidence, and administer oaths.

      (2) RECOMMENDATIONS- The DHS Task Force may make findings or recommendations to the Secretary related to the duties described in subsection (a)(2).

      (3) RESPONSE- Not later than 180 days after receiving the findings and recommendations from the DHS Task Force under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall issue a response that describes how the Department has addressed, or will address, such findings and recommendations.

      (4) INFORMATION FROM FEDERAL AGENCIES- The Chair, or 16 members of the DHS Task Force, may request statistics relating to the duties described in subsection (a)(2) directly from any Federal agency, which shall, to the extent authorized by law, furnish such information, suggestions, estimates, and statistics directly to the DHS Task Force.

      (5) COMPENSATION- Members of the DHS Task Force shall serve without pay, but shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel and subsistence expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

    (c) Report- Not later than 2 years after its first meeting, the DHS Task Force shall submit a final report to the President, Congress, and the Secretary that contains--

      (1) findings with respect to the duties of the DHS Task Force; and

      (2) recommendations regarding border and immigration enforcement policies, strategies, and programs, including--

        (A) a recommendation as to whether the DHS Task Force should continue to operate; and

        (B) a description of any duties the DHS Task Force should be responsible for after the termination date described in subsection (e).

    (d) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section for each of the fiscal years 2014 through 2017.

    (e) Sunset- The DHS Task Force shall terminate operations 60 days after the date on which the DHS Task Force submits the report described in subsection (c).