Questions for Justin Cox of the ACLU | a Twitter conversation
Questions for Justin Cox of the ACLU
See the link below.
This is a Twitter conversation between @24AheadDotCom_ and these users:
jb_coxCivil rights attorney.
markskrikorianExecutive Director, Center for Immigration Studies. Author of The New Case Against Immigration, Both Legal and Illegal
glaivesterA Patriot Fighting to Stop Genocidal #Antijaphetism
#KelliWard #ElectNehlen
#NeverHillary #NeverRyan #NeverRubio
ericapenunuriCALI bred☀ï¸TX infused | @thecoffeenomad
freemigrantMigrants are real, borders are imaginary
madjewesswomanMarried 2 @davidbenmoshe1
American... Iroquois, D.A.R.
& ✡Portugee/Sephardic✡ *My Song 4 Obama:
jimbrown1964I operate on 4G-God, guns, guitars and gardening..Slow down and enjoy life..Dont take yourself too seriously..Patriots fan..
thenthejudgmentIt is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
If any of these users reply, it will be added to the list of tweets below. If you see no replies below, they have not replied.