Questions for Steve Gallardo (Arizona) | a Twitter conversation
Questions for Steve Gallardo (Arizona)
Steve Gallardo is an Arizona State Senator and a long-time illegal immigration supporter:
This is a Twitter conversation between @24AheadDotCom_ and these users:
steve_gallardoArizona State Senator District 29 and President Cartwright School Governing Board
glaivesterA Patriot Fighting to Stop Genocidal #Antijaphetism
#KelliWard #ElectNehlen
#NeverHillary #NeverRyan #NeverRubio
ajadedoptimistcautionary tale in the flesh. What if the Rapture's just a day when the Right finds out Jesus is a Liberal?
lightning7876Music Writer/Composer, Conservative Republican, Defending American exceptionalism! Proud supporter of our Troops! Back Up Accnt @warden_samuel #TGDN
jjblazereaderNot embarrassed to be a Christian; politically independent. - Pro Life. - We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. Backup @jjblazereader2
dirtydan64Time to clean house not just in House of Congress, But in US Senate just same…Unless they believe they were elected to do peoples work, Throw'em out !!
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