Questions for Andrew Prokop (Vox) | a Twitter conversation
Questions for Andrew Prokop (Vox)
At Vox Media, Andrew Prokop has a very short post about Jeb Bush's recent comments. See for those comments. Prokop introduces those comments with: "On Sunday, former Florida governor Jeb Bush called for compassion for unauthorized immigrants to the US, saying that they came to the US to provide for their families."
This is a Twitter conversation between @24AheadDotCom_ and these users:
awprokopCovering politics at @voxdotcom. Formerly New Yorker DC bureau
jebbush43rd Governor of the State of Florida
glaivesterA Patriot Fighting to Stop Genocidal #Antijaphetism
#KelliWard #ElectNehlen
#NeverHillary #NeverRyan #NeverRubio
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