Questions about impact of DREAM Act on American students | a Twitter conversation
Questions about impact of DREAM Act on American students
See for an explanation of the questions.
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marleneatnafsaExecutive Director & CEO of @NAFSA & former Lt. Gov. of Minnesota. Advocate for international education & connecting people across borders.
deanfeldblumVP/Dean of Students at Pomona College, Professor of Politics, immigration and citizenship scholar
adamsigoodmanHistorian. I write about US and Mexican politics, migration, and deportation, in English & en Español.
the_anti_foxDedicated to deprogramming FOX Cons through education, facts, and balanced reporting of information that FOX chooses to distort or fails to report. #UNITEBLUE
sandralilleyEditor, NBC News-Latino. Love the discussion on news, politics and ideas. E-mail me at
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