Garrulous Pajamas Media paper tiger warns: mainstream media is biased (or something)
Newspaperman Michael Malone takes to the esteemed web pages of Pajamas Media to offer "Editing Their Way to Oblivion: Journalism Sacrificed For Power and Pensions" (link). Rather than being sarcastic or anything, I'll just point out that it's a worthless and wordy rant against the mainstream media ("MSM"), claiming that the MSM's support for Barack Obama is because they expect him to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and save their jobs.
The problem isn't necessarily in what he writes, but in that the only solution he offers is in the subtext: support Pajamas Media. The article is basically just an ad for a hugely flawed concept that isn't attempting to reform the media but is simply attempting to offer a web-based, highly partisan alternative to the MSM. See this for my alternative solution, and see this for an example why PJM is a false alternative.
JSBolton (not verified)
Sat, 10/25/2008 - 16:04
HS 16163 2008-10-25T18:04:16-05:00
A left that uses finacial panic-mongering should to lose massively. The media hype has been incredible and almost everyone knows it by now