Valiant: private blog post about Obama - already cited over 500 times - saved from "memory hole"!

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Some only sit on the sidelines in the battle to prevent Barack Obama from becoming president. Others are fully engaged, valiantly and intelligently fighting with all their force, fighting the good fight no matter what happens.

For a perfect example of that, turn to this post: (hat tap:

That, my friends, is truly brave and highly intelligent keyboard work. It doesn't matter that her quote has been featured on over 500 other pages, including at Politico. What really matters is that her page itself has been preserved for eternity. Because, no one would have thought it existed without that. Simply being cited on 500 other pages isn't enough. And, it doesn't matter that her quote isn't really "proof" so much as her opinion (I suspect she got it right, but it's not "proof").

Pajamaderians, hold your keyboards high! And, don't worry about doing things that actually would work.

Next up: let's freep a poll! Because that's a really good use of your time.


keep fighting it will do no good the road to freedom and the road back to life can only be the road to blood and war with the third world monkeys who hate freedom, think what you would do if you found yourself behind enemy lines in 1943 this government is our enemy it will be total evil under obama the communist loving pig. Face facts he is not American but a made-up one world pig put here to take us down a road to the third world he is our foreign enemy ready to murder us with his power inside our former government take up arms and use the weaponry of freedom against the enemy who hate our freedoms. race and civil war is the only way back to justice for all under laws. the cops you see now inside some $150,000 cop car will someday come for you with murder in that cops eyes when you talk out against evil, fight back one by one and someday you will fight in the millions as brothers and sisters in freedom.