Barack Obama bundler Jodie Evans meets with Iran's Ahmadinejad (Code Pink)
Code Pink says [1]
Calling it a "major step forward" in relations between Iran and the United States, leading activists Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans of CODEPINK Women for Peace β along with more than 150 other U.S. peace group representatives [2] β met Wednesday afternoon with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here following his appearance at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.
Then, a "thump" was heard as Jodie Evans - also a bundler for the BHO campaign - was run over by the Obama Bus. There's more on her from the GOP here and more here and here. Evans even has her own BHO page, although there isn't much there [3]. However, whether she's a formal member of the BHO campaign, an acknowledged and valued supporter, or just basically a hanger-on is not entirely clear. If anyone can clarify that, please leave a comment.
[2] The meeting was organized by the Fellowship of Reconciliation:
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Thu, 09/25/2008 - 19:16
HS 15726 2008-09-25T21:16:26-05:00
I wish Medea Benjamin (not her real name, but it take some balls to name yourself after a Greek goddess) would be interned at Guantanamo Bay as an enemy combatant.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 09/25/2008 - 22:43
HS 15727 2008-09-26T00:43:24-05:00
"hey it would fit", Obama is a muslim and And code Pink are fools, if i was a muslim i would go along with this BS Until i was on top and would buy the woman to use when i want, if you know what i mean? Maybe we should all think about becoming muslim and think of all the woman we could beat-up for talking and it would fit the Muslim laws! Jodie Evans should be sold to the head muslim in Iran.