We've received a note from Andrew Sullivan!

At one time, Andrew Sullivan was somewhat sane. Then, a series of things happened and, well, you know how he is today.

Over five years ago, I got a link from Sully, and thus I feel duty-bound to help. Using that linkage as an entree, I sent him an email expressing my hope that he seeks help.

I got this in return:


Well . . . At least Sullivan was kind enough to offer confirmation to you that he indeed DOES need help. It's a start, of sorts, isn't it?

It's all those HIV cocktails. They have ruined his brain.

Nice group of readers you've collected here. You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.

The guy's mentally disturbed, clearly. Now he's talking about how much web traffic he's getting! He's too stupid to realize that people are reading him because he is going bonkers in public, and it's fun to watch someone self-destruct before the eyes of the world.

GM Do you plan no having us all put in prison and just executed for standing up against evil, or just arrested and beaten to death in a jail cell?... you know like in mexico the land of rape and mass murder for the ideals of evil and BS and race? or do you just plan no standing a government hit guy? to do away with anyone saying anything against mexico? and the third world drug dealers?