In Colombia, John McCain calls for "hemispheric free trade agreement"

On his swing through Colombia en route to Mexico, John McCain among other things promoted NAFTA, supported the U.S.-Colombian Free Trade Agreement, promoted "free" trade in general, and said "I would like to see a hemispheric free trade agreement" (link). Presumably the "hemispheric" plan would be along the lines of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas, although just going straight to the North American Union might be in the back of his mind.

Bear in mind that Barack Obama is no great shakes on this issue. While he supposedly opposes the Colombia FTA, he also admitted to being misleading about NAFTA and he supports Bush's SPP, a joint venture between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.


When he is done...or Obama ...the US will be gutted. They are totally clueless about what their stupid ,ignorant plans are doing to Americans. We really have no choice-both candidates SUCK Royally! In fact as I become more aware of who represents us in Congress over years I'm amazed this country has lasted this long. When you listen to traitorous moronic idiots like Reid, Pelosi , Kennedy etal you realize just how screwed we really ARE...........Oh yeah Obama also got hizzself a super duper mortgage deal on his wonder they want to stay in pays better than the mafia!!!

Mary I love you but both Obama rat and McCain rat are far from clueless both want the same thing a one world government and both are owned by our enemies. I.E. Both are evil doers and the ideals of freedom are the enemies of both Obama and McCain and both are REDS.

Hi Fred, I agree with you but what I mean is that they are clueless as to how their actions will destroy the country......I do believe the goal is the North American Union. It is hard to deny when everything points in that direction. I think McCain and Obama are mouthpieces for others...CFR probably......(Frankly I think McCain is headed towards Alzheimers. very soon.)And it is absolutely insane how easy it has been for them to initiate their plans. Of course with Bushs compliance and efforts to leave the borders open that has been a huge help to their cause. I have evn begun to question whether Alex Jones theory on 911 may be true.... Funny about 3 years ago I had to go to the airport and the cabdriver was telling me that they planned to do this to this country. At the time I said I thought that was ridiculous...being I probably still thought Bush was an honorable man. Looking back I realize how right this guy was...hard to believe what was once an insane and crazy theory is in fact coming to fruition. I don't know why those Patriot groups fighting this don't join together to fight this....but I guess as you have stated there will come a time when enough is enough......As far as Reid ,Pelosi I think they ARE clueless, both in it for personal enrichment.

I'd like to see John McCain FLUNG into the hemisphere!

_They are totally clueless about what their stupid ,ignorant plans are doing to Americans._ As Fred suggested, some people would disagree with you here. On the surface, a commitment to 'free trade' is a kind of ideology. And ideologues are often oblivious to consequences and practical results because they are driven more by a need for intellectual consistency.

both eh and mary are right I just think both rats are owned and yes both are in fact mouthpieces for many people who hate our freedoms.