Lou Dobbs for President?

I'm not 100% completely a fan of Lou Dobbs for various reasons, mostly because he doesn't seem that willing to end the careers of some of those he interviews by relentlessly hammering them on their lies. On the other hand, he still has to get guests so I can understand why he might not go for the jugular each time. Nevertheless, a Lou Dobbs candidacy is probably something I would support. And, at the very least, the foaming at the mouth from both "liberals" as well as cheap labor conservatives would be something to see.

Now, ALIPAC has launched a new, unofficial site designed to encourage him to run: loudobbsforpresident.org. It includes a form you can sign pledging how much you'd donate to his campaign should he decide to run.


Points: *Lou Dobbs is without peer in television coverage of illegal immigration. *He has rightly pointed out some of free trade's unintended costs, but he tends to be overly protectionist. *His great weakness, however --- from my point of view (a retired teacher) --- is that he has zero understanding of what it would take turn around our giant government schooling monopolies. Dobbs is deeply hostile to the idea of allowing parents escape from the monopoly systems, that is, to choose among schools. He can't even abide the relatively tame idea of charter schools. This is foolhardy in the extreme which makes me think Dobbs' understanding of other market-related phenomena such as trade is just as misguided. But give Dobbs credit: He ventures far beyond where any other mainstream media journalist dare tread in the PC-minefield of illegal immigration: "I began (reporting) in 1956 and never have I seen a more badly covered subject, and there is no question it is a political correctness issue. I find that offensive as a reporter." (two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for TIME magazine Donald L. Barlett in 2004. That was Lou Dobbs took over the beat.)

I agree with most everything Dobbs rants about....Both he and Michael Savage are dead on...as well as Pat Buchanon...... I share his frustration at the inability of Washington empty suits who do nothing to solve the growing problems and instead compound them. I would vote for Lou...No one can accuse him of Flip Flopping -thats for darn sure!!!I think it is time to be more protectionist...or i9n his case to even the score , because we have been placed in a bad spot with inferior trade deals. China steals our innovations and gets away with it...Next they will be invading....Yeah I would vote for LOU!!!

Although I disagree on some issues with Dobbs, I think he's dead on on the important ones. If he ran, he'd be the only candidate worth voting for.

Lou Dobbs is a true Patriot. He has our [US middle class] interests in mind period! When was the last time ANY important politicians sided clearly on the side of America? In just 30 years I have seen So. California go from being my beloved part of our Country to being anything but American!! It would be different if even the slightest bit of assimilation were taking place. [among latino's] But that is not why they are here.... to become Americans. They are here for the money and your job, your healthcare and your childrens education. They are taking money from your family, diminishing your quality of life, replacing your culture, increasing crime 10 fold, and loitering and pissing in our streets!! Yeah YOU BET I WOULD VOTE FOR LOU DOBBS!!

Obviously Lou deserves credit for helping make immigration a talked about issue and providing a skeptical take on dubious proposals, particularly CIR. Who knows how the last CIR attempts would have played out had he not had his TV platform? One of the things I disagree with Lou on is that he's a drug war hawk. Also, I am not solely against illegal immigration, e.g., on law and order grounds. I am also for lower legal immigration and Lou has said he is for higher legal immigration. I wish he would have stories pointing out the problems with high (or mass) total immigration, especially from an environmental/sustainability perspective. Maybe he thinks any questioning of legal immigration is currently too un-PC even for someone with his pull at CNN to get away with and he doesn't want to overplay his hand and lose his platform? So I cut him slack on that. I especially applaud his railing against corruption and teaching people that illegal immigration is a business and government corruption issue. I admire that he keeps going in the face of merciless attacks and am willing to bet he gets plenty of threats. I think his temper tantrums are counterproductive and give the opposition some ammo to discredit him by attacking his style (Hillary: 'hot air') when they can't refute his message. I've never heard him explain the logic of registering Independent and how that will change things. Presumably it's in his latest book.

_"I began (reporting) in 1956 and never have I seen a more badly covered subject, and there is no question it is a political correctness issue. I find that offensive as a reporter." (two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for TIME magazine Donald L. Barlett in 2004._ I wonder how Dobbs would view this comment; there is a good chance he would agree with it. Without a doubt Dobbs has done good work covering ILLEGAL immigration (also globalization); CNN deserves some credit too for giving him editorial freedom. But he is soft on legal immigration, which if not curtailed will minoritize Whites in the US sometime later this century. Isn't this also, at least in part, a "political correctness issue"? I admit we still appear to be long way from the day when preserving America's demographic heritage as a majority white Nation would be a legitimate political topic.

Brown, Black ,Yellow, White ,Pink Doesn't matter! It's all about being an AMERICAN and nothing else. United We Stand Divided We Fall Our language our culture our way of life. Not theirs. Lou Dobbs would be 1000% better for that forgotten group of people called US Citizens.

_Brown, Black ,Yellow, White ,Pink Doesn't matter! It's all about being an AMERICAN and nothing else._ That's not an America I would fight and die for. The brown, black, and yellow all have countries of their own, where they run things for their own benefit. Whites had that. Now we're the only ones expected to give it up. And anyone who objects is branded a "racist", whether you use the word "white" or not. There are worse things in life than being called racist. One is seeing your country be overrun by an invasion of brown, black, and yellow who hate you because your skin color is white. Another would be mouthing PC multiculti "celebrate diversity" it's-all-about-being-AMERICAN horseshit. Grow some balls and figure out what you really want. The browns, blacks, and yellows don't have any problem demanding what they want. They want Whites to step aside, hand them everything, and die.

Mr. Tanstaafl, Ive seen your site and I agree wholeheartedly. So I take offense to your comment about me being a deversity lover. They only thing diverse about me is how many ways I could prove you wrong. I hate all ethnic minority groups. They dont belong in our society, and are certainly not making this place any more American, by encouraging them to keep their culture. You can't tell me some non white soldier next to you in a foxhole doesnt love this Country, culture or language any less than you? You see it as race issue, I see it as nationality issue. Any nationality including Americans [as you know many are white] who conspire to change our way of life, our language and take our Country over by sheer numbers is going to be met with resistance. Are we really that far apart?

What a huge breath of fresh air should Lou Dobbs throw his hat in the ring. I would definitely vote for him. Not only is he the only MSM news anchor taking on illegal immigration (which he is totally correct on), he has taken on the economy, special interests, lobbyist influence peddling, government corruption, truth in government, religion in politics, free trade and favored trade status issues, national security, middle class erosion and American worker protection, outsourcing jobs for larger corporate profit, excessive issuance of H-1B visas, our crumbling infrastructure, education, food safety and inspections, the environment, China's dangerous imports and its influence on our national deficit, NAFTA, SPP, NAU, LOST, ridiculous government treaties, crime, drugs, racial issues and the list goes on. Lou Dobbs has talked about, taken stances on, exposed and researched more issues than any other presidential candidate ever has or ever will. And like Lonewacko says, it would be joyous entertainment to see the libidiots, illegal alien huggers, cheap labor lovers, open border nazis, 20 to 38 million undocumented Democrats, La Razas and all their wannabees foam at the mouth.