Even California Nurses Association turns on Fabian Nunez (wife's conflict of interest)
Posted Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:09 pm
From this:
The California Nurses Association demanded Tuesday that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez abstain from voting on health-care legislation because his wife works for a nonprofit agency bankrolled by the hospital industry.Hillary Clinton campaign co-chair Nunez must no longer be useful to those in power, or perhaps they're Obama supporters who are trying to make Hillary's campaign more difficult. Just recently, the Los Angeles Times - usually a staunch ignorer of malfeasance by Democrats, especially former MEChA members - has run negative articles on him, as have the AP and the Sacramento Bee.
"Californians can no longer trust that he will represent the public interest and not the financial interest of a large industry that has put his wife on their payroll," Zenei Cortez, spokeswoman for the association and for the National Nurses Organizing Committee, said in a written statement Tuesday.
The Bee reported Tuesday that Nunez's wife, Maria Robles, was hired at a six-figure salary in January to serve as president of Californians for Patient Care, a Sacramento-based nonprofit agency that receives nearly all its funding from the California Hospital Association...
Edward (not verified)
Wed, 10/17/2007 - 22:29
HS 12777 r_lampkin@hotmail.com 2007-10-18T00:29:25-05:00
The California Nurses Association (SEIU), the LA Times AND the Sac Bee? Look out Fabian, I hear a bus coming your way.
Pat (not verified)
Wed, 10/17/2007 - 23:16
HS 12778 dpenpaper@netscape.net 2007-10-18T01:16:46-05:00
Hey, I'm sure Maria got that job on her own merits! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
eh (not verified)
Thu, 10/18/2007 - 04:15
HS 12779 e10k@hotmail.com 2007-10-18T06:15:28-05:00
I'm sure the term "works" is used rather loosely here.
dchamil (not verified)
Thu, 10/18/2007 - 11:38
HS 12780 dchamil@verizon.net 2007-10-18T13:38:58-05:00
I'm with Fabian, the nurses turn me on, too!