Sam Brownback addresses the multitudes in New Hampshire

Speaking yesterday at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH, Senator Sam Brownback drew a crowd. The following picture explains why so many people were there:

sam brownback addresses multitudes


What don't tell me that the air is going out of God's Own Party. Where are all the Fundies, Dominionists and Values voters flocking to Brownback's banner? I am not a Republican so you tell me. After 3 more years of a lousy economy, runaway debt, slaughter and stalemate as our Holy War in Iraq is not going as planned, Delay, Haggard, Schrock, Foley, Vitter, and now Larry Craig is is possible that God Guns and Gays in no longer the winning strategy for Republicans? Are you telling me that in 2008 even the Bible beaters may want to vote based their own economic and national interests. What!!! And let the Homosexual agenda run wild and turn our children gay?? Quick where is next Terry Schiavo to serve as the bright shiny object to distract the masses. Better hope Dubya bombs Iran ASAP otherwise Immigration and Secure Borders may actually be a critical issue in the next election.

Is must be dam hard being a good Christian Fundie Brownback supporter when you have been outsourced and now have to leave two hours earlier each Sunday morning so the family can take the bus cross town to the MegaChurch since you can not longer afford to put gas in the SUV only to find out the Pastor whose McMansion you helped pay for is a meth snorting closet case adulterer.

WTF!!! Is it possible even the folks back in in Kansas are able to buy a clue??? Perhaps even the rubes are able figure out that just maybe Abortion and government funded family planning is not such a bad things if the only alternative is another anchor baby born to a teenager.

The above tell's it all, thank you.