David Gonzalez/New York Times on white power obtained through anchor babies

David Gonzalez of the New York Times has a shocking report on plans by some Irish and other white illegal aliens to gain political power in NYC through the use of anchor babies:

Lucky enough to be born in New York, Daisy and Sean are citizens, for whom voting and civic participation are a birthright and duty. They grew up as pint-size bilingual guides helping their parents understand what was happening at school meetings and visits to the doctor's office. They are active in a youth group at Hope of the Neighborhood, a local advocacy group that started out helping street vendors. And while they have to wait to cast their first ballots — Daisy is 17 and Sean 15 — they already feel a special responsibility to help their neighbors.

Of course, by "neighbors", Gonzalez is refering to illegal aliens from Ireland and other European countries. He is specifically not refering to all those who live in their neighborhood, just whites.

Robert C. Smith, a professor of public affairs at Baruch College who has extensively studied New York's white populations, estimated that the city's half-million Irish, German, and Polish could have as many as 150,000 children born in the United States. Another big chunk of children came to New York in the early 1990s, when they were reunited with parents who benefited from a 1986 amnesty law that made them legal residents, allowed them to bring their children here and put them on the path to citizenship. And many more are on the way right here, thanks to a rising birthrate... Currently, they are seeking to keep alive the Dream Act, federal legislation that proposes to offer tuition help and a path to citizenship to immigrant high school graduates.

It does so much more, including letting illegal aliens take college discounts from U.S. citizens, but Gonzalez appears to have forgotten about that minor point. The article goes on in a like vein, including this charming quote from an ethnic advocate:

"I had been thinking about this for a long time... We were just waiting for the time when their children could be able to vote. And we have a lot of children."

If I wanted to continue the charade - which everyone has no doubt by now seen through - I'd give that advocate a German name, perhaps even following his quote with "jawohl!" Except, that wouldn't be fair to modern-day Germans.

Of course, the article isn't about white/European illegal aliens; if it were the New York Times wouldn't have printed it, and an ethno-booster like David Gonzalez wouldn't have written it. In fact, the article is just about Mexican illegal aliens, with the latter quote from Joel Magallan of the Asociacion Tepeyac de New York.

If you'd like to suggest that the NYT does its own racial switcheroo in order to decide whether what they're promoting is on the up-and-up, please write the New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt at public *at* nytimes.com



Stumbled upon an article of yours about Malta's immigration problem and your "let those in Libya stay where they are" in reference to the 1.5 Sub-saharan black illegals in Libya. But don't forget, Libya also has a problem, and Libyans don't want these black people in their country. Sadly, black people don't respect laws or anything, and the mediterranean world, which Malta belongs to as much as Libya, is undergoing some sort of barbaric invasion, in that the invaders are imposing their presence even in face of opposition . It is sad.

White power by little white badies how evil can you get? oh yes the brown/black/yellow power people have been doing this for 40 years here in the west and it work's, just look at L.A. Now a total Mexican city, good for the white illegal aliens we need more of this kind of evil doers. after all this is not a Nation its a joke. Oh yes who build this nation? do you really think it was mexican's? and our little black and yellow brother's and sister's if so you are nut's.