Kennedy, Graham, Reid, Kyl, Bush to try to revive Senate illegal immigration amnesty bill
Posted Fri, Jun 8, 2007 at 8:58 am
Like Jason or Michael Myers, the "Grand Bargainers" behind the Senate's illegal alien amnesty bill are promising to bring it back within a few days or a few weeks. If you want to prevent this from happening, it's within your power to do so. All we need is one well-known amnesty supporter to be roundly discredited and that will send a loud and clear message to the rest.
UPDATE: Sen. Ken Salazar says it might come back next month, that if it doesn't it might be five more years, and:
[Sen. Edward Kennedy says] "We are not giving up. We are not giving in."More here, including sports analogies and this Kyl quote:
..."When it is recognized by the American people that the Senate has not acted (on immigration), I believe there is going to be a wave of support for what we have been trying to do," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who also is on the negotiating team.
...But Republican Sens. Specter, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Mel Martinez were all upbeat after a vote to end debate failed 45-50, failing to reach the 60-vote threshold to move toward final passage.
...Graham said he talked extensively with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and is confident the bill will return...
..."There are ways we can do this," Reid said later. "There can be an agreement on the number of amendments. Hopefully we can do that in the next several weeks. We're very close."
Kyl, the chief Republican negotiator, told reporters on Friday that he believed a list of about 10 amendments would satisfy the concerns primarily on his side of the aisle, and that those could be considered in no more than three days on the Senate floor...
"Both sides can point fingers as to who was to blame for not allowing enough amendments to get up... I don't think we should engage in that blame game. I'll take the responsibility myself. I didn't do a good enough job of either working with the Democratic leader or my Republican colleagues to get everybody together and get it done. But that is the weakest of excuses given the historical significance of what we're talking about. If all we're talking about is 12 or 13 amendments and a couple of days of work in the Senate, think about it. Who would allow that opportunity to be wasted, to dissipate, to wash away?"White House adviser Dan Bartlett says Bush wants the bill to come back too.
UPDATE: Sen. Ken Salazar says it might come back next month, that if it doesn't it might be five more years, and:
"Failure on immigration reform is not an option...For this Congress and Washington not to deal with immigration reform is an abdication of responsibility."
AJK (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 18:52
HS 11251 2007-06-08T20:52:51-05:00
Once and for all, can we round up these sh$%head senators and send them to Siberia? Please? I have had it with their kowtowing to illegals and special-interest groups, at the expense of the American citizen.
eh (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 20:18
HS 11252 2007-06-08T22:18:59-05:00
_Kyl, the chief Republican negotiator,..._ With \'negotiators\' like him... [1]
Kevin Bove (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 20:49
HS 11253 2007-06-08T22:49:25-05:00
Why do the Republicans not want to have comprehensive immigration refore debated in the presidential election? If Hilary runs on an amnesty platform and the Republican nominee on an enforcement platform, would the voters not overwhelmingly vote for the Republican? What am I missing here?
throowrocks (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 21:06
HS 11254 2007-06-08T23:06:56-05:00
Senator Ken Salazar as much as called American pioneers- Imperialist and colonial invaders. As he made his plea for the peons on the senate floor 6/8/07. His family, he claims, lived for generations on the banks of the Colorado river, minding there own business. When the big bad Americans stepped in and took over. To hear him tell it, we should pay reparations to him, his family, and the Mexicans he rode in on.
mary (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 22:04
HS 11255 2007-06-09T00:04:38-05:0
The fight continues but we are emboldened by this win against the forces that wish to break this country apart.
llamajockey (not verified)
Sat, 06/09/2007 - 13:04
HS 11256 2007-06-09T15:04:29-05:00
Kevin Bove, Look I am an old fashioned New Deal Democrat who admires FDR and Truman but I agree with you. The DLC corporatists like Schumer, Hillary, Obama, Emmanuel and Salazar, the Open Borders idealogues like Ted Kennedy, Luis Guitierrez and Shelia Jackson Lee, the Hispanic Caucus and their panderers, the former extreme lefty immigration lawyers now just out for a buck like Zoe Lofgren, and the Silicon Valley shills like Maria Cantwell, Pelosi and Ellen Tauscher will simply sink the Democrats in 2008 if Immigration and Open Borders are a top issue. There are just not enough old fashioned progressive populist New Dealers like Webb, Dorgan and Sanders to convince the party that forty years of Open Borders idiocy has wrecked the Democrats and alienated their working and middle class base. However, If you look at major figures on the Left netroots like Atrios over at Eschaton and David Sirota, the bloggers are slowly starting to catch on that this Lou Dobbs Democrats phenomena is for real. Democrats won in 2006 on a grass roots driven end the Iraq Occupation, Fair Trade over mindless Free Trade agenda. Since that time Beltway Vichycrat Dems lead Emmanuel and Schumer have made sure the party has completely betrayed its base. Right now, the pro open borders Clintonistas still run the party and have completely bought into the Open Borders mean "Cheap Votes" idiocy that has not worked in over forty years of trying. Nothing is going to turn around for the Democrats until the base runs out of town the same losing moronic Beltway consultants like Mark Penn, Bob Shrum and Ruy Teixeira that believe that an unified block of Hispanic votes can more than compensate for the loss of White, Black, independent and legal immigrant votes that Open Border bring. I just hope you Republicans do not nominate a completely unscrupulous man like Ruddy Giuliani for President. But yes, sad to say it, if the Republicans run on a credible Border Security, No Amnesty, Attrition Through Enforcement and Restrictionist Immigration party platform you will crush the Democrats in 2008.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 06/10/2007 - 21:37
HS 11257 2007-06-10T23:37:49-05:00
remove the enemies of freedom from this Nation at once or be removed someday soon by the enemies of freedom.