Robert Pastor wants a North American Community, not a Union

Responding to his critics who say he's a guiding light behind the North American Union, Robert A. Pastor of the American University takes to the pages of WND offering his own rationalization for his plans:

Third, I do not propose a North American Union; I propose a North American Community. They are very different. A Union – like the United States – is a merger of states into a unified central government. A Community is composed of three sovereign governments that seek to strengthen bonds of cooperation. Each government – according to its constitutional procedures – retains the power to decide whether and how to cooperate. A "North American Union" could not be created by "stealth," as some fear. Indeed, any significant initiative to strengthen cooperation would require a wide-ranging and public debate and approval by Congress of all three countries.

Of course, the Bush administration is currently trying to do everything in its power to integrate the three countries. There's much that Bush can do alone; witness the recent U.S./EU pact. And, Congress has completely failed in its oversight duties.

Note also that the WND article has about thirty links appended to all the other articles they've written about the "Community, not a Union".


All the pundits told us this was a conspiracy theory. Are the pundits lying, or is Pastor lying?

Pastor is a lying sack of s**t. He thinks, as does Bush, that if you keep telling people something long enough, they will believe it. Probably some do. I'm not one of them. To quote myself: Corsi, and Dobbs are not mistaken. All this jabber about a North American Community is just that: jabber. It's a North American Union, then the world. Pastor apparently thinks our US Constitution is meaningless and void. I can assure him it has not become a useless relic. When this thing finally shakes out, all Americans and the rest of the world as well, will discover that an oversight committee of ordinary citizens will suffice to drive the greedy globalists back into their holes. Perhaps he should go find a real job for a change.