El Diario shocker! "Cyber attack on immigrants" (Immigration Watchdog mentioned)

Yesterday, New York's El Diario/La Prensa offered "Antiinmigrantes se toman la web" ("Anti-immigrants take the web" or similar). The translated version is here. It has a round-up of "anti-immigrants" using Youtube and similar to, you know, support our laws, and it features a mention of the Immigration Watchdog and links to various videos. It also tries to whitewash Antonio Villaraigosa's past as well as MEChA and the Academia Semillas del Pueblo.

Today they offer a follow-up editorial (as if the article wasn't an editorial, but I digress) entitled "Cyber attack on immigrants":
...Minuteman vigilantism is reported on sites like ImmigrationWatchdog, where video clips compare a Mexican nationalist group to Al-Qaeda. Postings single out Hispanic undocumented persons as "invaders," gang bangers and drunk drivers.

In a democracy, everyone's entitled to their views. But the video shorts and postings are yet another confirmation of an ugly movement to bash immigrants.

From local ordinances to evict undocumented immigrants, to English-only proposals in towns from California to New Jersey, to families being torn apart through raids, the attack feels like a precursor to the scenes out of the futuristic film Children of Men, where foreigners are persecuted and stocked in camps.

In the film, as in real life, fear is misdirected. Undocumented immigration is hardly a new phenomenon. But in an age where globalization is shifting, reducing and even eliminating borders - both figurative and literal - and the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening, undocumented immigrants, coded as brown people, have become the latest scapegoat...
I don't think much comment is necessary, but next time link to one of my videos, 'k?


"Watch that video" its what this non nation has become and what will be will not be good for you. If people don't start to see the facts of evil doers inside this nation you will all paid for being fools in hell. Aztlan is Al Qaeda west the mass invasion is here and now, the boys in mexico city are drug dealers and Villaraigosa IS as Red As Can be, so what can you do? Understand what is and fight back The Red Rats are here and the al-qaeda pigs are working in front of you all.