Immigration forums in Connecticut, Fort Worth
The League of Women Voters is conducting at least two immigration forums around the country, and I urge anyone in the area to turn out and ask tough questions of their apparently pro-illegal immigration panelists.
Weds. 2/7/07; Wilton, Connecticut; reservation required; link; the only panelist is an immigration attorney
Thu. 2/8/07; Fort Worth, Texas; link
All three panelists at the last are pro-illegal immigration. Because of that, someone on the other side called it a "setup" and a "canned event". That resulted in this truly Soviet answer:
[Linda Hanratty, chairwoman of the League of Women Voters of Tarrant County's immigration study committee] said no opponents of illegal immigration will be on the panel because there is room for only three speakers.
Just to make it clear where their chapter of the League stands:
Hanratty said her organization came out in support of publicly funded healthcare for illegal immigrants last year after studying the issue.