Catholic Flight and massive real estate profits
Posted Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 7:58 pm
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York is closing 21 parishes in NYC, and opening or expanding others in the suburbs. There's no word on whether they're suffering from a net loss of parishioners or not, but the article does bury this news:
As for what will become of the church properties, officials said their goal was to convert them to other uses in the archdiocese. If that was not possible, they said their preference was to hold on to the grounds and lease them out.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that New York City property is valuable or something, so I have the feeling they'll make out OK.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2007 - 15:15
NYC Is becoming muslim over night, the reason why is bush has helped millions of muslims come-into the back door without people seeing the evil doers come.
its not a conspiracy its a fact of bush life!..he wants this nation in a civil race war for the one world order, that is why its like this! a war\open borders/mass failure of government the schools/gangs name the reasons why, but it was not all bush but the last 8 rats in office. anyway that church has made its deal with bush long-ago for mexico city and bin laden.
Smitty (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2007 - 11:54
I read somewhere the Catholic churh is the biggest private alndholder in America (sans Ted Turner & the government) and I bet most of it is untaxed.
I'd like to see a map of all untaxed property (not owned by the state) of America.