NAU openly promoted on CNBC

While Steve Previs of Jefferies International - where he's apparently a senior vice president - has been quoted in a few articles, he doesn't appear to be someone with much influence. So, this report is only interesting for the fact that this topic - which NAU apologists still try to deny - can be discussed so openly and as if it's a foregone conclusion:
In an interview with CNBC, a vice president for a prominent London investment firm yesterday urged a move away from the dollar to the "amero," a coming North American currency, he said, that "will have a big impact on everybody's life, in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

Steve Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd., explained the Amero "is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC to WND, is to make a "borderless community, much like the European Union, with the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced by the amero."

Previs told the television audience many Canadians are "upset" about the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed, claiming many are just "putting their head in the sand" over the plans.


Don't make the same mistake as Europe. The EU is being ramrodded through by globalists and corporatist leaders there, too. Not by the people. The new EU constitution, if put to a vote by the people of the European nations, would fail. The NAU would fail here, too, if the people had any say. Still, many Americans have not heard of it. Keep talking and posting. The NAU, SPP, NAFTA, would not survive long if brought out into the light of public scrutiny. The MSM and our leaders want to keep it as hush-hush for as long as possible, until it is too late for the people to stop it. That, too, is a falacy. Americans will do WHATEVER it takes, to wrest control of our nation back from the criminals in Washingtoon.

when you tell people that the amero is coming people think you are nut's or some kind of a race hate person, in my caes both are righ! I HATE EVIL DOERS I HATE THE ENMEY, But that is a old ideal long dead in the mind's! and will of most people, see Alex Jones for more information, by the way it can't be stopped, the system is in place and most want it, 50 Amero's in one dollar, so have fun in the new order of mexico.