Nancy Pelosi "hopeful" about a "comprehensive immigration overhaul"

From this:

U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, who is in line to become Speaker of the House, is hopeful a bipartisan agreement on comprehensive immigration overhaul will be reached by the new Democratic-controlled Congress, said her spokeswoman Jennifer Crider.

"She raised the issue with the president when she met with him as one of the issues she hopes they can work together on," Crider said...


Fred--After how many months of you posting here every day and no one responding to your rants, don't you think it's time you started your own blog?

I'm really tired of your incessant ranting that contributes nothing. Give it a rest, would ya?

the little bitch wants power like most low life pigs, she is nothing but a tool and will or maybe become EL.PRESIDENT In 2008, that is what she wants, but bill and hill also want the same thing.

pelosi is a known drug dealer and both the dems and reubs need her now to rule the third worlds people who love liers.

Yeah Pelosi just go a head and try to ram this down the American public's throat and you will find yourself and every politician that supports it out on your ass. Dems and Repubs alike. It's funny your poll numbers are only slightly better then Bush's.