Ron Brynaert of RawStory downplays NAU

Taking anything found at RawStory with a very large grain of salt is recommended, but aside from that one wonders why Ron Brynaert would seek to downplay the NAU (10/25/06, "Minutemen 'expose' Bush's 'shadow government'"). Skepticism is generally good, and fact-checking is great. But, cheerleading is definitely something to wonder about:
SPP was launched in March of 2005 as a trilateral effort by the United States, Canada and Mexico to increase the security and improve the quality of life of North Americans through greater cooperation and information sharing. Many conservative critics view the trilateral initiative as a threat to U.S. sovereignty...

The documents can be viewed on the Minuteman Project's Stop the Security and Prosperity Project page, but there's no mention of any particular "smoking gun" which could proves the contention that the White House has created a shadow government. The anti-immigration group appears to consider the mere existence of communications among bureaucrats from the three countries as proof of their assertions...

...A RAW STORY examination of documents related to the "steel strategy" as presented at the Minuteman Web site did not turn up anything untoward...
While it doesn't matter that much, I wonder what their game is. Is it because they reflexively oppose the MMP or Jerome Corsi? Or, is it something else?


Some may fight and be killed for the love of the ideals of the USA, some may stand and watch the death of this Nation and the take over by drug dealers from Mexico and reds of south America and red china, ask what side you stand on in the come civil war that will end only when the third world war starts, long live the ideals of the bill of rights, BUT IN THE END GAME THE ONE WORLD PIGS WIN.

"Building a North American Community" published by the Council on Foreign Relations is readily available for $15 to anybody who wants to buy it. I have a copy. It is also called Independent Task Force Report No. 53. Read it and see what you think before you call the NAU a conspiracy theory.

"For me to "downplay" the NAU...I would have to believe it in first...which I don't because it's the silliest conspiracy theory I ever heard of..."

Do you have any evidence that the NAU is a "conspiracy theory?" If so, I'd like to see it.

Feel free to e-mail me any evidence of a "consipracy theory," as you assert.

The quote you have bolded is taken directly from the website for SPP...which you left the html code out from.

For me to "downplay" the NAU...I would have to believe it in first...which I don't because it's the silliest conspiracy theory I ever heard of.

Am I concerned about Globalism and corporate multinationals? Yes. Do I think there's a legion of problem with pacts like NAFTA? Yes.

Do I believe in an imaginary North American Union which will render all United States laws obsolete?

uhh no...

My personal (or political) feelings about Corsi or the Minutemen have nothing to do with my article or any other I've reported at Raw...which is why many of my stories there are appreciated by the left and right.

If I had found one document on their web site which corresponded with the charge I would have reported it. Feel free to email me anything you think I should take a look at if you think I missed something. I'd definitely be willing to revisit the topic if there's something there.