Sen. John Cornyn comes out against North American Union, but...

In the past I've had some bad things to say about Senator John Cornyn, and he is the sponsor of one of the Senate's amnesty schemes. While he's now come out against the NAU, pay especial attention to the last paragraph of this snippet:
Responding to information from WorldNetDaily, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, has taken steps to ensure the Senate will not act on a bill that would further a plan to create a European Union-style alliance in North America.

...Yesterday, Cornyn's office notified WND the senator had been assured by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that no action will be taken on Senate bill 3622 in the 109th Congress. If the Senate Foreign Relations Committee does not act, the bill will expire at the end of the term in January...

The spokesman clarified Cornyn "is adamantly opposed to any 'North American Union' being formed like the EU has been formed in Europe."

Cornyn's office had no explanation, however, for why the legislation was introduced, except to note the senator "continues to believe that if Mexico would adopt free market principles, it would be in the best interest of the United States."

...WND showed Cornyn's office Friday that a content analysis of the bill demonstrated its similarity to some of Pastor's writings. The correlation was so strong, WND told the senator's staff, a conclusion could be reliably drawn that the person drafting and proposing the legislation drew from Pastor's writings and intended to advance his political agenda to create a "North American Union."


JEROME CORIS AND JIM GILCHRIST are good guys but we have no borders guy's! the minutemen are good people but don't get the fact our non government hates the ideals of duty and freedom and want one thing the death of the USA And the making of the north american union, and the third world hell that all it means, but Jerome Corsi is starting to see that fact and may god help him from the evil of a drug dealers government THAT IS FULL CONTROL NOW.

the style of the north american union will be a style just like mexico, its a plan of evil alliance and the deal is done, people will not fight for now but next year when people can't buy the normal things of life maybe some will understand what is happening to you!

congress will do as it is told to do and the so called foreign relation boys who are on the so called committee are in fact from so many other nations and places outside the USA its a joke, you may have as well HAVE/HAD Bin Laden OR FOX writing the bills.