Kos: I'm a "Libertarian Democrat"

Subcommandante Markos "Kos" Zuniga has finally nailed down his exact political orientation: he's a "Libertarian Democrat". Now, that doesn't mean that he embraces the full lunatic/libertarian agenda, nor does it mean that the lunatics/libertarians have embraced the Lunatic World of Kos. However, as for the latter, we can pretend. And, be assured that I will every chance I get. (Ex.: "A libertarian? You mean, like DailyKos?")

So in practical terms, what does a Libertarian Dem look like? A Libertarian Dem rejects government efforts to intrude in our bedrooms and churches. A Libertarian Dem rejects government "Big Brother" efforts, such as the NSA spying of tens of millions of Americans. A Libertarian Dem rejects efforts to strip away rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights -- from the First Amendment to the 10th. And yes, that includes the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms.


oh yes! will subcommandante get part of I-35- nafta- road, When he moves to his new home in L.A. Or san diego? and didn't he make a deal with the boys in LaRaza? so don't make fun of your new leader to by inside the North American Union. think guns think freedom.

this little monkey is funny, the mexican drug dealers did a real good deal with him; he gets a nice home in mexico city and some white woman and the mexican's take him out and let him talks to his little friends, he get's 5000 u.s. dollars per month a car and can do anything he likes for now, but don't make fun of this evil monkey he may someday be the head guy in the North American Union, after-all isn't that what civil rights are all about? and lets face facts bush has a secret agenda and that is to remove us from the earth as a nation.