NWO, Michael Douglas, guns, North American integration, Amero
Posted Sun, May 28, 2006 at 2:57 pm
The recent article "Michael Douglas backs U.N. gun ban" (worldnetdaily . com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50407) leads us on a wild ride through the fevered imaginations of globalists everywhere:
Actor Michael Douglas – who for many years has been designated by the United Nations as a "U.N. peace messenger" – is backing the global body's upcoming conference on small arms trafficking.That leads to 1999's "The 40-year gun grab" (worldnetdaily . com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=17280):
In a public service announcement, Douglas "spotlights the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons and promotes an upcoming U.N. conference aimed at addressing the problem," according to the U.N. News Center.
The controversial conference wins the prize for having the longest name in memory: "The U.N. Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons." It is scheduled for July 26 through July 7 in New York City...
...David Patterson, deputy historian at the State Department, downplayed the possible significance of Freedom From War and the Blueprint for the Peace Race (dosfan.lib.uic . edu/ERC/arms/freedom_war.html) -- identifying them as "part of the propaganda war."Along the same lines comes a 2/27/05 radio interview (pay only, not listened to) described thusly (surfingtheapocalypse . net/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=59028):
"It's a recurring issue which conservative groups would put forward as an example of how we were willing to capitulate to the Soviet Union during the Cold War -- disarm unilaterally," Patterson said. "Of course, none of this was true, but it's still going the rounds of right-wing publications. We get these calls."
Michael Corbin interviews Gui Caron with Council of Canadians. They received a leaked confidential report on North American Integration. This council met to discuss the integration of Canada, the United States and Mexico into a new North American country through NAFTA. Read this confidential report (in PDF format) by clicking here. This report is a warning of things to come in that this group, which is comprised of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives are planning on launching a massive campaign to introduce a new slogan for the new North American country, together with a new currency, and strict security measures that will involve a National ID Card. Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, joined during the second half of the hour to discuss the US National ID Card program, which is being designed and implemented by two high-ranking former Soviet KGB officers, who are working within the Department of Homeland Security.And, believe it or don't, there's even a WP page on the Amero, the proposed North American currency.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 05/28/2006 - 20:38
this guy sounds like something right out of the Turner Diaries, with the U.N. The system.
the fact is the system needs to get all Guns out of the hands of people for the coming "North American Union", it would be easy to kill Americans standing up against the system, the fact is most people will go along with what is coming down.
the real propaganda and hate against USA is coming from this non government because this non government is not really your government but is in the hands of others who hate you and hate this nation, watch our for what is coming next.
the worthless bastards are really working hard against you in all areas.
Shamus (not verified)
Sun, 05/28/2006 - 16:13
who cares what Micheal Douglas thinks. He's an actor for god's sake. And I am not a Republican and I don't own a gun.