"Border Patrol: Fence Stops 95% of Illegals"
Posted Fri, May 19, 2006 at 10:09 am
From this:
More than a ten years ago, the federal government built a fence along the San Diego sector in California. Ed Henry, assistant chief of the Border Patrol for that region, says that the impact was immediate.
"Apprehensions here are down a staggering 95 percent, from 100,000 a year to 5,000," he told National Public Radio last month.
Big D (not verified)
Mon, 06/12/2006 - 18:20
Look I'm Mexican I was born here in the US and I love this country its helped my family out alot. But when it comes to the point where people start calling us wetbacks you just have to take some sort of action. I didn't swim across the border but my parents did just for me and my brother and sister so we could have a shot at a future.
My brother serves in the US Navy, my sister is an awsome artist and mom, and me I graduate high school in a year. I have no clue what the hell I'm going to do but I'm sure as hell going make my family, my country and the US and who ever else proud with whatever I pick to become.
I don't agree with the fence being built, I mean lets be honest who do you see working in the landscaping jobs or the construction sites you see a shit load of Mexicans and two or three Americans but those three aren't working they're barking orders at everyone else.
Why should we let Americans come into our country when they don't let us enter into theres!!!
boofugg (not verified)
Sat, 05/20/2006 - 15:40
This illegal immigration gig is the shits and nobody knows how to stop it. It looks like our government does not care about the will of its own citizens.
I think twenty million of us Americans should go to the border and start digging tunnels and jumping the fence. Once we're all inside Mexico we could all form up and start marching with our American flags, yelling and screaming, singing the Mexican Anthem in English and demanding Mexican rights that we are no way in the mutherfuckin world entitled to.
No doubt the Mexican cops would arrest every goddamn one of us. Then the American cops would figure out how to arrest twenty million wetbacks. Ya see what I mean---then Mexico and the U.S. could have a prisoner exchange and everybody would end up back where they belong.
Why hasn't anybody else figured this shit out a long time ago. Thank God boofugg is on the job!
D Flinchum (not verified)
Sat, 05/20/2006 - 02:24
"And it sounds that we will not get any enforcement at all unless we go with the amnesty." DG
DG, my big fear is that we will get amnesty and then not get enforcement worthy of the name just as we did in 1986. Congress can pass all the laws in the world that make it look as if they were really getting strict and then not appropriate enough money to actually carry out the laws they passed. Remember GWB's 2,000 new BP agents? His proposed budget funded about 200.
DG (not verified)
Fri, 05/19/2006 - 18:57
I want the fence to be built, but not if it includes the amnesty plan with it. And it sounds that we will not get any enforcement at all unless we go with the amnesty. It is better to leave things as they are than to go with that disaster.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 05/19/2006 - 17:20
don't you guys get it yet the mexicans are here, the fence would have stopped the rats from coming but the job of dismantling the USA Has been done! the so called fence is a joke, most of mexico now has the full right to come here with all of it poor and kids and old, the system will fall apart within 10 years and that is what bush wants for his real boss and the real plan.
it will never be build, the wall is just one more lie from a lier.