Hillary Clinton supports illegal immigration, amnesty
Posted Thu, Mar 9, 2006 at 1:00 am
The idea of Hillary Clinton running as the more pro-American candidate seems to have been dashed as she's come out in favor of immigration "reform", i.e., a massive amnesty scheme.
She sent a four-page letter to her constituents (which includes illegal aliens) that "steered away from specifics" according to the AP. How a four-page letter would fail to name specific policy proposals is unclear:
She followed up her letter with some more lies:
She sent a four-page letter to her constituents (which includes illegal aliens) that "steered away from specifics" according to the AP. How a four-page letter would fail to name specific policy proposals is unclear:
...Such reform should include "a path to earned citizenship for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar for becoming a citizen," Clinton wrote.I have no real need to see the letter since the above tells me all I need to know.
"I do support providing undocumented workers with the opportunity to earn legal status in this country," she said.
Clinton's missive was sent to those who have contacted her office about the immigration debate, similar to one she sent in 2004 seeking to clarify her position on the Iraq war.
In her letter, she avoids supporting or opposing any specific proposals save one -- a bill offered by the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis, which she said would "target and criminalize the undocumented and punish those who would provide them with humanitarian assistance."
She followed up her letter with some more lies:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Democrat, told a rally of immigrants on Capitol Hill that a Republican bill that passed the House in December will lead to a massive hunt for illegal aliens.The rest of the last link has Dick Durbin (co-sponsor of the anti-American DREAM Act) and Dianne Feinstein tugging at heart strings:
She said it would be "an unworkable scheme to try to deport 11 million people, which you have to have a police state to try to do," she told the crowd of Irish immigrants...
[California's taller Senator] worried that the penalties against those using falsified documents to get into the U.S. could harm refugees, making an analogy with European Jews fleeing Nazi persecution in the 1930s.Oddly enough, Sen. Jon Kyl provides the unusual Voice of Sanity for the article.
eh (not verified)
Thu, 03/09/2006 - 04:40
"not good material"
D Flinchum (not verified)
Thu, 03/09/2006 - 04:21
...Such reform should include "a path to earned citizenship for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, RESPECTING THE LAW, and willing to meet a high bar for becoming a citizen," Clinton wrote.
Jeez, every illegal immigrant here in the US has violated numerous laws just by coming here, staying, and working. IMHO people who take such a cavalier attitude toward a country's laws are not good material for citizenship.