Senator Arlen Specter introduces "temporary" "guest" worker scheme

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Senator Arlen "Single Bullet Theory" Specter has introduced a doubleplusgood "temporary" "guest" worker scheme. Not only would the hundreds of thousands of workers be "temporary", they'd also just be "guests". And, it includes a massive amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens already here.

Senator Arlen Specter is a liar.

In fact, anyone who refers to their "guests" as temporary is lying to you. The "guests" would be here to stay, as the recent example of Temporary Protected Status shows. The immigration "reform" we need is to discredit and drive from office corrupt politicians like Specter who put other factors ahead of what's good for the country.


Sen. Specter has been under intense lobbying pressure by microsoft and others to open the US up to a flood of immmigrants for high tech jobs and he is under pressure from restaurant groups, hotels, etc. to open the borders to millions of additional illegal immigrants.

Sen. Specter caved in and betrayed his country for their modest monetary contributions. He is a RINO but that won't stop real Republicans for taking the blame in the 2006 and 2008 elections. you can see that "Portgate" has handed the dems an issue. Eventually border security will too.