George W Bush indicted for crimes against humanity
The "International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States" has indicted U.S. president George W. Bush for his crimes.
Although the indictments have no legal effect, they will make those on the very far-left feel better. The "International Commission" is sponsored by the "Not in our Name" group, and a partial list of supporters is here.
Without looking, can you guess some of the names?
Here's a partial list:
* Edward Asner
* Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild and professor, Suffolk Law School
* Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
* Michael S. Berg, grieving father of Nick Berg killed in Iraq May 7, 2004, and one man for Peace
* Center for Constitutional Rights
* Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and executive vice president of National Lawyers Guild
* Eve Ensler, playwrite
* C. Clark Kissinger, contributing writer for Revolution and initiator of the Not In Our Name statement of conscience (and a proud member of the Revolutionary Communist Party)
* Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun magazine and author of The Left Hand of God: Taking Back America from the Religious Right
* Barbara Olshansky, deputy legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and author of Secret Trials and Executions
* National Lawyers Guild
* National Lawyers Guild, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
* Not In Our Name Project
* Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights and author with Ellen Ray of Guantanamo: What the World Should Know
* Stephen F. Rohde, civil liberties lawyer and co-founder of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
* Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University (because some people really love their animals)
* Gore Vidal
* Cornel West
* Howard Zinn, historian
Get your tickets for the January 20,21,and 22 performances hearings now.
Boofugg (not verified)
Thu, 01/19/2006 - 09:47
Crimes against humanity? War crimes? Well, that kind of stuff is way over my head, and I would't even attempt to respond to it. However, I do believe that somebody should bitch-slap Dubya for telling all those lies. Does he really believe the majority of the American people are stupid enough to buy in to that shit! Ok, he was elected twice, so maybe I am all wet and should shut up. Pssst. Hey, come here a minute. I want to whisper in your ear. You know what I think?...I think Duby might not be as dumb as he looks. And I think the majority of the American people didn't really vote for him last time.