DailyKos makes alleged White House "Enemies List"

Uh oh:
Spurred by paranoia and aided by the USA Patriot Act, the Bush Administration has compiled dossiers on more than 10,000 Americans it considers political enemies and uses those files to wage war on those who disagree with its policies.

The "enemies list" dates back to Bush's days as governor of Texas and can be accessed by senior administration officials in an instant for use in campaigns to discredit those who speak out against administration policies or acts of the President...

...Those on the list include former Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, former covert CIA operative Valarie Plame, along with filmmaker and administration critic Michael Moore, Senators like California's Barbara Boxer, media figures like liberal writer Joe Conason and left-wing bloggers like Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (the Daily Kos)...
Now, of course, it's very easy to cheer about the last one. In fact, that almost overrides the very negative implications of this matter, but I'll try to stay focused.

Of course, this report might not be true in whole or in part. It might be an anti-Bush smear. Or, it might have been intentionally leaked: either they have this information and this is a threat, or they want to make their enemies think they have this information.

But, why are we discussing whether this is true or not in the first place? Back on November 1, 2004 I posted "Should conservatives support Kerry?", and if Kerry were president now the conservatives who controlled Congress would come out strongly against this and make sure that it was stopped. Instead, let's see what happens.

VERY ODD UPDATE: They've appended "and Ana Marie Cox (Wonkette)" to the quote above, right after Kos. I'm absolutely positive that she was not there in the version that I linked to. And, note that she linked to this story. That would tend to support the argument that this is partly or completely fiction.


Ok. If there is an 'enemies' list, then why is it that nothing is being done about anybody on that list? Kos, Boxer, et al, not a thing being 'done' about them. The 'list' seems to be a total waste of time and energy - if it exists.

Am I on the list? wish so.
In fact i wish i was on all the enemies lists Inside this non nation,but most of us are on someones government list and in our future you and me will pay for it.