Killers target "immigrants", guess what happens next

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Illegal aliens in Georgia were the targets of a burglary spree, including five murders: "Police: Killers target immigrants". The killers reportedly spoke English, although if there is any clue to their race that hasn't been provided.

Let's examine this paragraph and use that as a clue to what might happen next:

Colquitt County Sheriff Al Whittington stressed that the attacks didn't appear to be hate crimes. Many immigrants are undocumented and therefore can't open bank accounts, which means they tend to carry a lot of cash or keep it in their homes.

We do need to ask whether this was a "hate crime" but, since there appears to be money involved and since it was presumably taken that would tend to cast a great deal of doubt on that. Note also on the right side of the page that CNN has helpfully provided a list of email alerts, including one for "Hate Crimes".

Despite the obvious motives, no doubt rumors will spread, perhaps with the assistance of "human rights" and "immigrant rights" groups in the area.

And, no doubt someone will step up with a "solution" to this "problem": allow those illegal aliens to open bank accounts. In fact, Wells Fargo says it started accepted Mexico's Cracker Jack ID card because they were asked to do so after similar crimes in Texas; see "New ID Cards Help Immigrants Keep Their Money Safe" for a similar example.

See also "Gil Cedillo: using a horrible crime for political purposes".


The articles in the Stalinist Seattle Times and Seattle Post Intelligencer are even worse. You should check out the sob story they recent published to help build empathy for criminal immigrants.

Keep up the good work!