Is "color is cool and white is washed out" racist?

The Los Angeles Times offers us "Networks Have an Ear for Spanish" (latimes . com/news/printedition/la-me-latino11sep11,1,5644549,full.story). After several other disturbing quotes, it ends with this wonderful statement:

["Gary Bassell, chief executive of the Bravo Group, a New York advertising agency that specializes in reaching Latinos"] predicts that if handled deftly, such themes could appeal not just to Latinos, but to young people of all ethnicities "who've been shaped by an American pop culture today that increasingly proves that color is cool and white is washed out."

In the world of "liberalism", that is not an extremely racist statement. Therefore, if you object to that extremely racist statement, don't support "liberals".


Paradoxically, Global Warming is cool among liberals.

Actually the disaffinities expressed may actually be the reverse of what it sounds like; since cool and cooler are morally questionable. If the way to be the coolest, is to be cool for the worst, and each increase of being cool with progressively worse things makes you more cool, then being 'washed out' in terms of cool, is a compliment. Perhaps it means something like: whites used to be more nearly cool relative to others, but now they've faded or washed out in terms being cool for the worse and worse. I'm not sure one should be pleased if 'antiracism' were to insist on having a quota of white models for 'gangsta' styles.