"Charging 'racism' easier than facing issues"

Jim Trageser discusses just about the only argument that "liberals" are able to come up with when discussing illegal immigration:
...The only saving grace of the current proliferation of charges of racism in our community is that the charge is being made so often and so emptily that it's losing its impact.

...In a way, you can't really blame those who choose to defend illegal immigration for playing the racism card. What other ammunition do they have in their arsenal?

...So pro-illegal immigration activists don't argue for an open border. Instead, they criticize Border Patrol sweeps, assail efforts to deny benefits to those who break the law to get here, ridicule those who would watch the border voluntarily. And when they are called on the emptiness of their arguments, when they are asked why immigration law shouldn't be enforced in a logical, even-handed manner, they resort to a burned-ground campaign of character assassination against anyone who openly advocates in favor of fuller enforcement of our immigration laws.

Who cares if it's true or not? The purpose of calling someone a racist isn't to change his mind or heart, not to convince others of the veracity of your position. The point is to distract. To intimidate.

To silence...


i believe this law is stupid...it shouldn't pass...one of these days there is going to be a damn riot...george bush should just stop...its just plain stupid...sorry for my language...

In my opinion this legislation should not be passed because if weren't for us the economic state of this country would go down and then they are going to want everyone back. What I also think is that they are just using us to work for them thats why they are giving us temporary visas to work anf then kick us out back to Mexico
sometimes I even think that they should just send us back and not receive help from us
Mexicans also because you are never going to see a white people piccking up strwberries or flipping burgers or cutting grass even sewing clothes. So why are they treating us like crimminals if they need us to. They are just treating us like slaves and trash at the samee
time also because they just want us to come and work qwitrh atemporary visa what there point.

i believe this law is stupid...it shouldn't pass...one of these days there is going to be a damn riot...george bush should just stop...its just plain stupid...sorry for my language...

When someone calls a person who is against illegal immigration a racist, it is an incorrect statement. The person is not saying that they are against legal immigration, just the illegal type. There is no mention of race, creed or culture in the statement