I need $25 for an ad on MotherJones.com
Posted Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 7:52 am
For "just" $25, I can get a text link (javascript, not a direct 'a href', not that a week would do me much good if it were) on MotherJones.com for a week. Considering the CTR, it's not such a bad deal, but even so...
I'm seriously considering it in order to educate their readers about the idiocy that that site spews forth.
For instance, clicking around a bit, I came across this roundup after the last presidential elections:
I'm seriously considering it in order to educate their readers about the idiocy that that site spews forth.
For instance, clicking around a bit, I came across this roundup after the last presidential elections:
...Illegal immigrants were also big losers last night. Voters in Arizona passed Proposition 200, which would deny services to illegal immigrants and require government employees to report, by law, undocumented workers to authorities. Conservative supporters argued that it saves the state money and send a message that illegal immigrants are not welcome. At the "Yes on Proposition 200 party," J.T. Ready, a campaign volunteer, captured the nativist sentiment of many southwestern conservatives:What planet are MoJo readers from, and when will they return there?"This is going to send a resounding message to the federal government. We citizens are sick of them turning their heads to illegal immigration."[That's "nativist"? -- LW]
The proposition drew widespread criticism, from Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano to Republican Senator John McCain. [That's not a wide spread --LW] But in a campaign that urged voters to "do something about illegal immigration," the politics of fear and ignorance swept more than just the presidential election. [Too bad most Arizonans aren't as highminded as MoJo and don't support massive corruption, an invasion by a third world country, and the Mexican oligarchy. Bad, bad Arizonans! -- LW]
Unfortunately, Arizona was not the only state to enact anti-immigrant legislation. Even in San Francisco plenty of folks voted against according "illegal" immigrant parents voting rights in local school elections. [The quote marks around "illegal" are in the original -- LW] Although the measure failed in a narrow election, it speaks volumes that in a city that supports Kerry, Senator Barbara Boxer, and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi with over 80 percent of the vote, a basic right for these parents is voted down. [Do I really need to say that voting is not a "basic right" for those who are here illegally? To MoJo readers, apparently I do -- LW] It's getting ugly when progressive initiatives are beat up in our own backyard...