Responding to Dallas giving in to racial power

From a U.S. English press release:
Late Thursday night, a 5-4 vote of the Dallas school board made this Texas county the first in the nation to require administrators to learn Spanish or lose their jobs...

"The Dallas school board's extreme approach sends the unmistakable message that English is optional in the area," explained Mauro E. Mujica, Chairman of the Board of U.S. English, Inc. "This is part of a frightening trend where English-speaking Americans are being asked to learn a foreign language, while nothing is expected out of non-English speaking immigrants to America. Instead of forcing their administrators to learn the language of immigrants, the district should open its facilities to programs that teach immigrant parents English."

...While Dallas County ranks 138th in the nation in the percentage of residents who speak Spanish at home, it is ninth in the concentration of Vietnamese speakers, eighth in the concentration of Urdu speakers, and 14th in the concentration of Korean speakers. In all, 123,000, or six percent of Dallas County residents, speak a language other than English or Spanish at home. The "outreach" program makes no attempt to reach other immigrant families...
As previously discussed, most of the DUmmies couldn't understand the problem. Of course, neither can most of our elected dummies.


Another cynical attempt to multiply divisions and grab for racial patronage. Power seekers flourish in their element of increasing conflicts on an irreconcilable basis. How many republican offcials will now say something about why assimilation isn't happeening as they assured us that it would, when they are deeply complicit in this.