DHS' Chertoff opposes Minuteman Project

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From an appearance in Silicon Valley:
Following his speech, Chertoff responded to a number of written questions from the audience. One asked him about his position on the Minutemen Project, the civilian effort to patrol the U.S.-Mexican border on a voluntary basis. He is not in favor of civilians patrolling the border.

"The border is a very dangerous place," Chertoff said. "We are dealing with violent organized criminals who are not going to hesitate to use violence to protect their criminal business models."
Of course, Our Leader himself called the MMP volunteers "vigilantes", which has not only further discredited him in the eyes of many Americans, it's also emboldened the critics of that project.

And, here's Condi expressing opposition to the MMP.

Meanwhile: "42% would conditionally support Bush's impeachment".


Unfortunately, Bush is the biggest supporter of illegal immigration and he is getting ready to push his amnesty proposal on the American public.