Tremor Watch 2005
I'm going to go for a 4.5.
EARTHQUAKE WATCH UPDATE: Preliminary results: 5.3 just north of Yucaipa (about 100 miles to the east of EQW HQ). Our Richter Reporters are standing by... [DEVELOPING: downgraded to a 4.9. Given the distance, my estimate was right on target. Plus, hours before the MSM got to the story...]
BREAKING HARD: Our Inland Empire reporting crew informs us that Yucaipa is actually just 70 miles or so east...
It appears that one of our blog reporters, citizen journalist pioneer Lonewacko, has been attacked by a quake-crazed animal. Where are you now, LW?
"I'm at EQW HQ. However, the incident occurred in Griffith Park."
Are you OK?
"Yes, I appear to be fine, although I'm still a little shaken up."
What happened?
"After the big quake, I decided to go for a hike. I need to keep in shape so I can cover the breaking stories, plus I wanted to head towards high ground in case of a tsunami. Plus, if any rifts opened in the Earth due to the quake, I wanted to be there to cover it. So, there I was, enjoying a bit of a view... when suddenly I was attacked... I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right lower upper arm... I realized that the quake had caused animals to go nuts... in this case it was a member of the Apoidea superfamily that attacked me..."
And, that would be?
"That's a bee, Chuck. I was stung by a bee. However, I'm pretty sure it had been agitated by the tremor."