Illegal immigration for real DUmmies

How DUmb are the DUmmies when it comes to illegal immigration? About as DUmb as they are about other things. To see how sheep-like and gullible some DUmmies are, check out the MSNBC story "'Minutemen' gear up for mainstream movement". Notice anything interesting about the accompanying photo by Robert King of the Zuma Press? Here's a screengrab:

And, here I've (very roughly) divided the photo into nine parts:

And, here are two parts of the photo:

Now, if you were a DUmmie, you would end up saying something like:
Are they armed or just kickin' back with binoculars, brews and a cel phone?

On edit:

I just checked out the link and the photo shows a guy with a gun...
What gun? Anyone see a gun in that photograph? Oh, that! Why, that's barely visible. It's not like the Zuma Press was trying to make the gun as huge as possible and put it front and center so everyone would immediately notice it or anything. Here's another DUmmie comment:
Of all the problems this country faces, illegal immigration ranks pretty damn low.
Obviously, anyone who's spent some time reading this blog knows that it's one of the most pressing issues currently facing the U.S. Just because the MSM continually denies the existence of problems doesn't mean there aren't problems.

And, what would a DUmmie thread be without an absolutely idiotic comment? You know, the kind that puts all the other comments in the thread to shame:
The minutemen are nothing but republican brown shirt storm troopers who have been given the power and authority by the republican majority and the Patriot Act to shoot first and ask questions later. This is now beyond dangerous, because American military troops sworn to protect the U.S. people against all aggressors, are off fighting an insane war for the president and republican controlled corporations and interests, while the people are exposed and vulnerable to literally hundreds of thousands of these vigilante minutemen thugs.
For all we know, some of those "republican controlled corporations and interests" might be posting things like this in "liberal" forums like DUmmieland. What better way to keep the money flowing than to have the "liberals" on your side?