Major UFO Breakthrough in Brazil!!!
Posted Sun, May 29, 2005 at 8:49 pm
Whitley Streiber removes the probe and reports:
The nation of Brazil is relaxing its policy of UFO secrecy. It is the first among a number of countries known to be considering the idea of abandoning the secrecy mandate that has been in place worldwide since the phenomenon first began to be publicly known nearly fifty years ago.More information here (Portuguese) and here (different content, in English).
A.J. Gevaerd of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers reports that a number of important files have just been released, including a folder containing documents from 1977 that cover dozens of cases of UFOs in the Amazon with over 100 pictures made during Operation Saucer, an official Brazilian military investigation that was carried out between September and December, 1977...
The second and most important meeting took place just after this one at the very reserved facilities of Brazilian Air Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Aerea Brasileiro, Comdabra), an even more sensitive installation that controls the entire air defense situation in the country and surrounding areas of Atlantic Ocean and South America. In this facility the UFO researchers were given full briefing of the top aspects of aerial defense of the country.
It was in this facility that its own commander, brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, admitted to the UFO researchers how concerned the Brazilian military are about the UFO phenomena...
eh (not verified)
Tue, 05/31/2005 - 01:32
According to the link, it's Whitley Strieber, which would match the pronunciation I've heard.
I'm not quite sure what to make of that whole Art Bell, Richard C Hoagland, Whitley Strieber et al alternative universe.