If far-left domestic terrorism is the greater threat...
...then why did the NBC Nightly News mostly concentrate on "right-wing" terrorism? In a story broadcast tonight on domestic terrorism because of the anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing, they discussed both left and right wing domestic terrorism. (Similar story here; the one I saw is from a different "reporter" and is currently video-only). In fact, they even broadcast that left-wing terrorism is potentially the greater threat. However, that news was given in such a parenthetical, sotto voce manner that I'd imagine many people missed it. Instead, it was off to interview someone from the Southern Poverty Law Center (see also "The Church Of Morris Dees" from Harper's Magazine.)
Leaving aside whether all of those groups identified as "right-wing" are indeed "right-wing" at all, why would NBC soft soap left-wing terrorism being the greater threat? ... I have absolutely no idea why they would do this... I'm completely at a loss... There is absolutely no reason why they would downplay left-wing terrorism... None at all...
eh (not verified)
Tue, 04/19/2005 - 08:43
This reminds of an article that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle right around the time relatives of that judge (Lefkow) were killed, and it was supposed at the time a "white supremacist" named Hale was involved. Anyway, the article, which seemed to me little more than sensationalistic innuendo, was headlined "A WEB OF WHITE POWER", and went on trying to convince us how worried we ought to be about these people using the internet to organize etc.
Of course later it turned out these people had nothing to do with the murders.
Here is a link to the article (still available on-line):