No, Jackie Goldberg doesn't have anything better to do
Posted Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 3:41 pm
The L.A. Times article "'Redskins' Face Possible Statewide Ban" describes CA state Assymbmn. Jackie Goldberg's attempts to forbid school teams being named after Indians. A stomach-churning taste:
Dozens of civil rights groups and Indian tribes have endorsed the measure. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has endorsed a broad ban...
Goldberg has been backed by the Alliance Against Racial Mascots, a group that seeks the elimination of American Indian mascots, logos, team names and nicknames in all California schools and educational institutions...
"The genius of America is not about majority rules, it's that the minority is not allowed to be stomped on just because they have smaller numbers. That's a very different approach than most other countries in the world," Goldberg said. "We give that up every time we say, 'Gee, people like the name Redskins.' "
BadMonkey (not verified)
Tue, 04/12/2005 - 20:08
Of course, in 20 years, when the football teams are named: Vikings, Goths, Legionairs, Trojans, Bad white guys,Samuri,and even Zulus, they will be kicking and screaming that there are no "native american" representations....zzzzz
These idiots are idiots.....