Guest Commentary: RedAmerika responds to the Koufax Awards

[The following is a guest commentary from guest blogger "RedAmerika"]

First, I'd like to thank Lonewacko for allowing me here, reactionary running dog that he is. Now, to the subject of my post.

I see that the corporate lackey bourgeoisie at "Wampum" have selected the winners of the Koufax Awards for best "left" blog. Koufax - left, get it?

The awards are about as original as their humor.

Of particular note, only one or two out of a dozen or more blogs are from Bloggers of Color.

And, even though as Chairman Mao said "Women hold up half the sky", only a few of the awarded bloggers are women.

The Patriarchy wins again, and the Struggle continues.

Yes, I know it could be better.