Surveying L.A.'s storm damage
I didn't spend too much time surveying the damage from the recent heavy rains, but I did take my camera with me on today's hike in Griffith Park.
The park had been closed until today because of various factors including a downed tree on Riverside/Crystal Springs. There didn't appear to be too much damage on the fire roads and trails except for a few small mudslides and some downed trees.
The edges of the fire road that heads from the ranger station on Crystal Springs to Five Points were collapsed a few inches in places, as if they were about to go.
The hogsback trail that heads from near Five Points to Mt. Hollywood had very little damage. A few of the ruts were a little larger than before and there were a few small mudslides, but that's about it.
Herewith a few pictures.
Mt. Baldy partially obscured by smog:
"Two Sinkholes":
Two more pictures are in the extended entry.
A charming little lake I've dubbed Lake St. Louis Encephalitis:
A section of hillside (just below the center of the picture) about 100' high and maybe 5' deep appears to have just sheared away: